My WingChun Trip Report


Sihing Paul at IAW Event 2012.

Since 2008, I’ve travelled to Germany half a dozen times. I’m grateful for these opportunities to do so. Without my students, colleagues or teacher, this would be impossible. They support me physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, socially, financially. No one succeeds, though each one must proceed, alone.

Years ago I realized that I wanted to seek a path, to master something, to become extraordinary. None of this is a big deal. I am not the first to dream as such, even among the thousands to have come and gone in this last decade of the IAW. However, the sheer reality of necessary resources invested long-term is another matter. Continue reading

WingChun System

A diverse demonstration of the unique WingChun system by International Academy of WingChun® (IAW) students and instructors:

MD: Master Degree
TG: Technician Grade
PPL: Pre-Primary Level
SL: Student Level
Sihing: Male Teacher
Sije: Female Teacher
Sifu: Master

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WingChun Action II Video

Sifu Klaus Brand, IAW Grandmaster, Sihing Paul Wang, IAW-US Leader, Sihing Tobias Ries and Sihing Ralph Dahl perform examples of WingChun action.

WingChun Action I Video

Sifu Klaus Brand, IAW Grandmaster, and Sihing Paul Wang, IAW-US Leader, demonstrate samples of WingChun action.