Spotlight on Adam Medhurst

On February 26, 2012, Adam Medhurst, a member of the United Kingdom branch of the International Academy of WingChun (IAW), became our youngest Technician at age 18. I remember meeting him almost exactly three years ago to the day during my 2009 trip to England with Sifu Klaus Brand. We have been in touch ever since via this blog and my Facebook.

Adam receiving his 1st Technician Grade certification from IAW Grandmaster, Sifu Klaus Brand, as his proud teachers Sifu Ed Pettitt and Sifu Tony Hollander look on.

He is an living example of patience plus diligence over time. Not many, regardless of age, continually invest in their chosen craft for the long-term. Adam earns my respect and that of his worldwide IAW family. Congratulations and keep walking the way of the WingChun warrior! Continue reading

Spotlight on Sihing Ayron Johnson

Sihing Ayron Johnson and Sihing Pau Wang.

A moment of Sixth Student Level transmission.

Over the last few years, I’ve had the pleasure of travelling to Atlanta half a dozen times to mentor Sihing Ayron. It’s almost a second home for me now! After each visit, he has grown in his depth of understanding as a practitioner and capability to communicate as an instructor.

Starting anew with IAW WingChun after years in another style is a test of character and a challenge of will. As one of our main representatives on the East Coast, I envision Sihing Ayron continuing to mature in our unique art while inspiring his expanding student body. I appreciate the quiet diligence and admire the quick intelligence he demonstrates. These attributes will serve him well towards attaining the highest aspirations on the WingChun path. Continue reading

Student Spotlight on Chris Bobek

Chris Bobek WingChun

Chris and Sihing Tom in Lat Sao.

Chris Bobek is an up and coming WingChun teacher in Berkeley and San Francisco. In the five years he’s been training with us, I’ve observed him steadily develop into a well-rounded practitioner.

What’s strikes me is his demeanor, always cheerful, reliably helpful. His focus never seems to be on himself but rather on who he is transmitting his knowledge to. Continue reading

Student Spotlight on Megan Hemmerle

Training is the only way I improve.

Megan is my senior female student. Her amiable attitude and pleasant presence over the years has impressed me. She’s always smiling or about to smile! Because of her grasp of WingChun technique, I like to demonstrate Lat Sao (Casting Arms) patterns and Puen Sao (Coiling Arms) flows with her.

I look forward to supporting Megan’s consistent progress as she prepares for her First Technician Grade. She sets a positive and practical example for us all to admire. You get a good sense of her experience from the straightforward perspectives she expresses below: Continue reading

Spotlight on Tyler Gouvea

WingChun is something you can take anywhere.

My job is my joy! I feel lucky that we have attracted such great people to our WingChun family. By this I don’t just mean diligent students but genuinely amazing individuals who I look forward to spending quality time with several days a week. If you’re a friendly, pragmatic person, please join us!

Tyler is one such unique member of our training community. He is respected for his outstanding skills and loved for his enthusiastic personality. I have complete confidence in his capable, approachable and sovereign expression of our system. For these reasons, I trust him to assist me in teaching classes.

It is my hope that his potential be fully actualized through the practice he is well on his way upon both as a practitioner and instructor of the art. Tyler is a positive example to others and a helpful inspiration for me. Please read on as he shares his experience below: Continue reading