Video: WingChun Chi Sao (Adhering Arms) Applications

During a recent Primary Workshop at the United States Headquarters of the International Academy of WingChun (IAW) in Berkeley, California, I had participants drill three application excerpts within the IAW partner sequences. These are known (and demonstrated in the video) as Lat Sao (Casting Arms), Chi Sao (Adhering Arms) and Guo Sao (Passing Arms), respectively. The goal is synergizing technique, power and speed.

Below is a brief technical analysis of the three combination options against a right punch preparation: Continue reading

Video: WingChun Wu Sao (Protecting Arm) Applications

Recently, I taught an Advanced Class at the United States Headquarters of the International Academy of WingChun (IAW) in Berkeley, California. My theme was combination applications of the IAW WingChun Wu Sao (Protecting Arm). I had students practice 3 concepts demonstrated here in less than 5 seconds with Sihing Brandon Solano.

Below is a brief technical analysis of the three Wu Sao (Protecting Arm) combination options against a right straight punch:

Continue reading

Reasons to Quit WingChun

quitIt matters if you just don’t give up.
— Stephen Hawking

How was your first quarter? Just over a week ago, we passed the vernal equinox to enter another cycle of springtime, which reminds me what WingChun 詠春 means — Praising Spring. This is reason to reflect on a renewed season of growth.

88 days of 2015 have already gone by, leaving us just 75% of the year. Let’s pause a moment to notice where we are right now. How deep are you breathing? Is there peace in your heart? What is your state of health? What is your sense of self? Do you feel purpose in life? Who are you close to?

These are essential questions and, as an ambivert, I often fail to express my answers enough. However, more than anything lately, I hold dear important relationships. These are not always the easy, happy and positive ones. But they help me see new things, challenge my beliefs and force needed change.

Similarly, for all its beauty we can rejoice in, the way of WingChun relates us to pain, loss and discomfort. Besides the occasional aches, bumps and bruises, we also have to face our boredom, doubt and frustration. These inevitably surface if we stay with something long enough.

And then we start wondering: Continue reading

WingChun and the Science of Body Language

Superman1Have you heard of TED Talks? Recently, I watched one of their most popular videos with over 23 million views. I wish our WingChun mini-documentary had that many views!

Anyways, this talk by Havard social psychologist, Amy Cuddy had the intriguing title, “Your Body Language Shapes Who Your Are“. It made me realize why everyone always feels better after a WingChun class.

Please sit up! I say that because how you carry yourself profoundly affects your hormones. That in turn affects the way you think, feel, speak, act and appear. Specifically, research shows a mere two minutes of “power posing” substantially lowers cortisol and boosts testosterone.

Guess what? WingChun is nothing but “power posing” in each technique and every movement from head to toe!

We start by setting a solid stance firmly rooted to the ground. Then we project that through your legs, spine and arms. You step with full intention. You strike with total balance. Maybe you had a anxious, stressful day. But it melts as you settle into WingChun flow.

So the thing is, the science says to do “power posing” for two minutes. That means pretending like you’re Superman, Wonder Woman or whatever hero you like. You may or may not make that a habit.

But if two minutes can drop your jittery cortisol by 25% and raise your dominant testosterone by 20%, imagine what a single one-hour class of deliberate WingChun “power posing” will do for you. And you aren’t just holding a static pose. We dynamically train your body in a wide range of motion. You don’t just take up space but own it. With 6 months to a year of practice and hundreds to thousands of repetitions later, you will be upgraded if not transformed.

Thanks for taking the time to read and think about what I just shared with you about body language and WingChun. Try to work on that, even if we don’t quite have the karma interact in person.

If you live in or visit the San Francisco Bay Area, I invite you to try WingChun for two weeks at 85% off our regular rates. Just click here to register.

Sp does body language fascinate you too? Tell me what you know!

Can You WingChun Multitask

“If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent.”
— Isaac Newton

ar136699046313615Are you reading this article while eating a snack while listening to music while watching a video while texting your friend?

I have to tell you something. Sorry, you can’t truly multitask. Of course, you can try, but doing more than one thing at a time will degrade your performance. Most likely you are just switching quickly between tasks rather than doing them simultaneously. However, this costs mental energy and lowers efficacy. Research shows that you end up doubling the time you need as well as doubling the mistakes you make. Continue reading