Fall WingChun Seminar


The grand finale of the 2009 Fall Event Series was a fitting finish to the variety of topics we offered. It was indeed a broad and interesting mix of material which you were able to access. From Escrima weapons to WingChun applications, from Instructor to Basic training, everyone had the chance to appreciate the depth and quality of the IAW curriculum directly from its creator and founder, Sifu Klaus Brand. With the sure gratification of all that we accomplished, perhaps the only disappointments were that you missed some teachings and that the two weeks, now suddenly over, went by so quickly.


It was a pleasure to witness everyone’s determination to learn with unflagging and focused effort. Once again, one of the most pride-worthy characteristics of our WingChun family, both here and abroad, is this personal culture of doing your best. Nothing speaks more to the goal and intent of our community, its leaders and members, than the demonstration of ongoing passion for the art. Part of that means always being patient enough to invest in your own progress, an advancement that must be proven at the completion of each Program such as the following graduates did this day:


Austin Liu, 1 SL (Berkeley)
Cinna Wu, 1 SL (Berkeley)
Alex Hansen, 1 SL (San Francisco)
David Luevano, 1 SL (Santa Cruz)
Antal Beryeni, 4 SL (Berkeley)
Leslie Foss, 4 SL (Berkeley)
Will Haskell, 4 SL (Berkeley)
Deidre Zafar, 5 SL (Santa Cruz)
Marty Patin, 5 SL (Berkeley)
Brian Watson, 5 SL (Santa Cruz)
Ben Campbell, 6 SL (Santa Cruz)
Jim Allen, 6 SL (Berkeley)
Manish Bhatt, 7 SL (Berkeley)
Evan Kha, 7 SL (Berkeley)
Tyler Gouvea, 8 SL (Berkeley)
Justin Yang, 9 SL (Berkeley)
Chris Bobek, 10 SL (Berkeley)
Norm Waleedej, 10 SL (Berkeley)
Brandon Solano, 11 SL (Berkeley)
Eric Swing, 11 SL (Berkeley)
Michael Murphy, 11 SL (Berkeley)
Megan Hemmerle, 11 SL (Berkeley)
Alfred Lee, 11 SL (Berkeley)

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