On Becoming WingChun

I am pleased to share a guest post by one of my students. Evan has been training for about a year and is currently preparing to test for the 5th Student Grade. I admire him for the consistency, attitude and intelligence he brings to our class. Read about his experience so far integrating the lessons of WingChun to his life in the new year.

— Sifu Paul Wang



On Becoming WingChun
by Evan Muzzall

As a WingChun practitioner entering intermediate levels of study, I have had moderate time to reflect on the significance of my training. I have started down the long, winding path to personal growth through “becoming” WingChun. There is no end to this road, no material rewards, and no easy answers. What it offers instead is the opportunity to “learn how to learn”, so to speak.

While the hundreds of thousands of arm and leg collisions have improved my capabilities for physical self-defense and altered the constitutions of my bones and muscles, they have also taught me an emotional intelligence that I would not have acquired anywhere else. Continue reading